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Image by Markus Spiske

The Art of Saying NO


The ability to say NO can be learnt. We have been used to believe that if we say NO  to something we will automatically disappoint others or be considered selfish, especially at work. Actually, the ability to be self-assertive and place boundaries is a very healthy practice in a work environment, because it makes us prevent excessive overwhelm and it brings us closer to our personal and professional goals. It sets the tone of a healthy and authentic company culture.


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Learn how to say no assertively and gracefully at work. And strategically say YES to other things.

We tend to think that saying NO at work takes away opportunities. But we are not refusing to do things, in this workshop we are strategically opening doors to other things, and we are setting healthy boundaries.

Learn time and energy management.

​The pandemic made us understand that for many people was difficult to stop working when doing home office. In this workshop we learn when to stop, when to say NO to things that might take energy away and how to repurpose them.

2 Half Days, in person or remote

8 hours with breaks. Two half days and 4 modules. A follow up meeting after a month. Getting upskilled and trained is a key investmt, and the workshop is easy to tailor for off- sites, retreats and specific leadership meetings/webinars.

It can be held in 3 languages: Italian, English, Spanish.

Learn how to prevent overwhelm and burnout and prioritize tasks also when working remotely.

When we develop our leadership skills, time management and priority setting is essential if we don’t want to be overwhelmed. Even remote overwhelm is now causing a lot of burnouts. We need to avoid this, and empower people to feel safe and healthy at work.

Be assertive! In your mindset and in your language.

Assertiveness is a great life skill. It is connected to better stress management, more effective communication skills, less anxiety and better decision-making. An assertive person can handle healthy disagreements and create psychological safety in the team.

An effective, hands-on and well tested workshop

This is FindYourWay most attended workshop and very requested by companies. The blend of training, mentoring and coaching that Alessandra creates makes it very unique, practical and uplifting.

Assertive Module 1: Values & Priorities

In this module we reflect on our most important values and needs in a truthful way, so that our priorities become clearer. Good boundaries always need prioritization!

This also means that we have to overcome the fear of being judged or of creating conflicts! 

Assertive Module 2: Boundaries & Communication

Placing boundaries means that we need to learn how to communicate to others how we feel, and what we want even if it is uncomfortable, and to say NO sometimes . Thanks to this non-violent way of communicating and to specific techniques, it will be much easier to navigate difficult conversations.

Assertive Module 3: Leadership & Decision-Making

We make decisions all the time at work and we deal with many different people. Sometimes we fear delegating or we get lost in details, or we want to take on more projects with no time.. Excellenceism instead of perfectionism can be a great alternative. Are you able to say NO also to yourself? Are we able to ask for help and allow others to safely say NO to you?

Assertive Module 4: Burnout Prevention & better digital health

Clarity on our priorities usually brings better time management, and magically even our social life and our relationships become healthier. This is because we are creating space and the opportunity to use time more purposefully, which can prevent us from burning out. Thanks to this we can be on the outlook of any type of remote burnout too, and be more mindful when it comes to written communication. We also can think of sustainable self-care.

Nearly 60% of leaders reported they feel used up at the end of the workday, which is a strong indicator of burnout

What Our Clients Say

Cristina, Cembra AG

For me this training was more than rewarding. It was interactive, motivating, engaging; lots of discussions and questions.

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